See today’s horoscope prediction

See how will be the day for all zodiac signs? So for the people of some zodiac the day will be troublesome and for some it will be auspicious day also know that.

today’s almanac

maas adhik shravan

paksha krishna

Tithi Amas after 3.06 pm Shravan Sud Unit

Nakshatra Ashlesha Magha after 4.55 pm

Yoga Variant

Karan Nag

राशि कर्क (D.H.) after 4.55 pm Leo (ಮ.ಟ.)

Aries (A.L.E.)

For the people of this zodiac, today will be a day to maintain happiness in work. Affectionate contact will be beneficial. There will be growth in business. There will be an increase in the happiness of the family.

Taurus (B.V.E.)

People of this zodiac will get success in government work today. The works done will be fruitful. There will be good news regarding the job. Will be able to get profit in business.

Mithun (K.Ch.G.)

For the natives of this zodiac, there will be a feeling of disappointment in work today. There will be concern in the questions of the child. Will get the support of best friends. There will be an increase in the faith of religion.

Kirk (Dh)

For the natives of this zodiac sign, today will be a waste of money. There will be trouble in the job. Mental tension will appear. There will be progress and profit in business.

Singh (M.T.)

People of this zodiac sign will get success in their work today. There will be new opportunities in business. There will be opportunities for growth in the job. There will be benefits in family relations.

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People of this zodiac sign will get success in business today. Get victory from the rival side. Confidence will increase. There will be an atmosphere of joy in the house.

Libra (र.ट.)

Today is the day for the people of this zodiac, there will be ideological differences with the partners. There will be disappointment in new relationships. There will be new opportunities in the job. You will get good news on the side of children.

Scorpio (N.Y.)

Today is the day for the people of this zodiac, even after hard work, the work will seem incomplete. The mind will seem distracted due to the interference of relatives. There will be cooperation of colleagues in the job. There will be profit in business.

Dhan (B.D.F.D.)

Today’s luck seems favorable for the natives of this zodiac sign. Progress will be seen in the political field. There will be pace in development works. The day will pass in joy.

Capricorn (K.J.)

Today is the day for the people of this zodiac to avoid the work of debate. There seems to be a moderate improvement in the economic condition. There will be progress and profit in business. There will be general disturbance in the family.

Aquarius (G.S.S.S.)

Today is the day for the people of this zodiac, you will feel happy in the success of your work. There will be promotion or peace in the job. Will get the support of relatives. There will be improvement in business.

Pisces (D.C.Z.T)

Today will be a day of mental tension for the natives of this zodiac sign. There will be moderate success in work. Be careful of opponents. To handle expenses.

Good Luck – Today’s lucky number is 7

Happy color – Today’s auspicious color will be light green and peacock

Auspicious time – Today auspicious time will be from 10.49 am to 12.29 pm

Rahu Kaal – Today Rahu Kaal will be from 12.00 to 1.30 pm

Auspicious direction: travel is prohibited on Wednesday

Inauspicious direction: Today inauspicious direction is Nairitya and Ishan direction.

Horoscope: Cancer (Dh.)

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