Know About All Type of Post Office Scheme

  Post Office Scheme:

Post Office Small Schemes have always been the first choice of investment for people.  Post office has one such scheme where if you open an account in the name of spouse and invest in it, you get a guaranteed income of Rs 9250 per month.

Post Office Scheme:

In this scheme of Post Office, good compensation is given to the customers due to which they are given a fixed income every month.  In the post office, this account is a joint account named husband-wife, in which investment has to be made together and after that, Rs 9250 is given every month with a guarantee from the post office, i.e.  In a way, each of your starts comes with earning a monthly salary.

In which scheme pension is given every month?

A scheme is being run by the Post Office whose name is POMIS i.e.  Post Office Monthly Income Scheme and today lakhs of people are getting a fixed amount as pension every month by investing in this scheme.  In the Post Office Monthly Income Scheme, customers are given the facility to open both single and joint accounts.

In Post Office Monthly Income Scheme,

customers have to invest only once for 5 years.  To provide more benefits to the customers, the government has increased the interest rate on this scheme to 7.4 percent from April 1, 2023 so that the customers can avail maximum benefits.  Apart from this, the limit for investment in this scheme has also been increased by the government.

How to get monthly pension?

Under the Post Office Monthly Income Scheme run by the Post Office, customers can avail a maximum of Rs.  You can invest Rs 9 lakh, but if you open a joint account, you are given the facility to invest up to Rs 15 lakh.  After investing in this scheme, its returns are given to you every month and your principal amount is returned after maturity of 5 years.  The interest amount is deposited by the post office in your post office account every month and if you want, you can withdraw it every month. If you want, you can withdraw it every month and if you do not withdraw, it remains deposited and  keeps getting interest

How to get Rs 9250 per month from POMIS

If you open a joint account in the post office under the Post Office Monthly Income Scheme, then you are given the opportunity to invest a maximum of Rs 15 lakh and on this Rs 15 lakh, you are given interest at the rate of 7.4 percent. According to this, your annual interest is Rs 1 lakh 11 thousand, which is given to you every month by the post office. And if Rs 1 lakh 11 thousand are required for 12 months, then it is Rs 9250 per month.

In this scheme, maximum 3 people are allowed to open a joint account and you can invest only Rs 15 lakh in that account. You also get an investment limit of Rs 15 lakh in a joint account opened by two people, but this limit in a single account has been reduced by the post office.

Who can open an account in POMIS?

Any citizen of India can open an account under Post Office POMIS i.e. Post Office Monthly Income Scheme. Parents can also open an account in the name of their children. Also, the account opened in the name of the child can be operated on his own once the child turns 10 years old. To open an account under this scheme, it is mandatory for the customers to already have a savings account in the post office and along with that, at the time of opening the account, the customers will have to provide their ID proof for the same. It is recognized that he is a citizen of India.

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